Image by Laura Ketteman

Image by Laura Ketteman

Friday, February 19, 2010

Happy Anniversary to my Mom and Dad!

These are my parents on their wedding day.  It was 1972.  My mom wore a purple, velvet mini dress, and when I was a little girl, I thought it was the prettiest dress I'd ever seen.  :)  She was 18 years old.  My dad was 19.  They were married in a little church, with only their family in attendance... and that was 38 years ago today.

After their ceremony, they went back to my grandparents' house for their wedding cake.  I love this picture.  I have no idea why my mom looks like she's crying, other than the fact that she was probably really tired of my grandma taking pictures.  My mom HATES to have her picture taken!

A few years later, I was born.  That was when the true happiness began!  Haha!  :)

Happy Anniversary, Dad & Mom!  Love you!!!

1 comment:

  1. so sweet! i think holly looks so much like your mom! i have a picture of me with one of those big hats on too.


My photo
ilLaurastrations Photography began in Spring of 2009.