Image by Laura Ketteman

Image by Laura Ketteman

Monday, March 21, 2011


I am NOT a wedding photographer.... at least that's what I've always said.  :)  Maybe I'm reconsidering?

I've had a handful of inquiries, and I am always very honest in that I do not have a lot of "wedding experience."  I've probably scared clients away with doing "too" great of a job in explaining my "it's my first time" arguments.  It has never been that I would mind photographing a wedding, but I always thought of it as being under so much pressure.  One day, and that's IT!  Oh dear, it gives me goosebumps even thinking about it.

But this weekend made me reconsider, maybe... possibly?  Oh, I don't know.

It's different when it's someone I'm close to.  I love photographing my family and close friends.  They love what I do, which is why they ask.  And they get a ridiculous family-friendly discount, so they can't complain!  :)  And this is when I get to have fun, trying something new, and not worrying about whether or not it will work out.  I'm not "on a job."  It takes me back to my highschool days of playing "model" with my little sister in my bedroom... dressing up, trying different shades of lipstick and eye shadow, striking a pose, and snapping away with Mom's last roll of film.  :)  It's all just for fun!

My dear friend asked me if I wanted to "officially" photograph her wedding, OR if I'd rather just "do my thing."  I chose the latter.  I'd be there with my camera anyway.  I mean, it's kind of who I am.  My kids don't recognize me without a Canon strap around my neck.  Ha!  As it turned out, I had a lot of fun... especially afterwards when I was able to sneak outside with the bride and groom and do a relaxed, little session.  All of the kids were playing in the church yard.  My husband sweetly trailed me, with camera gear in tow, and I had my best friend there to assist (it's pretty much what she'd done for her sister all day, and she kind of rocks at it... catching little details, and pointing out ideas...)!  I had a BLAST!!!!  I wish I had a crew for EVERY session I ever do!  Oh, a girl can dream.

Enough of my chatter.  Here are a few from the day.  I'll probably add a lot more later.  I came home with over 800 images on my cards.  I've been a little overwhelmed, weeding through all of them.  I still and will ALWAYS prefer the beauty of the outdoors, though.  Artificial, inside light is just, plain icky.  OK, I said I was going to stop chattering now.... really!

I'll start with some of the bridal party getting ready for the big day.  :)

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ilLaurastrations Photography began in Spring of 2009.