Image by Laura Ketteman

Image by Laura Ketteman

Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 233. Boys and their Cars.

I've mentioned before the passion that my dad has for cars, and how he passed that down to my brothers... and how my eldest son has been bitten by the bug as well.  :)  I took the boys to Gateway to watch their uncles race.  KS1 was in absolute heaven.

This was my younger brother's first time down the track.  He had never gone before (although his big bro gave him some pointers from his years of experience before they got started, of course)!

Not too shabby for never having done this before!  Pretty close!!!

And here they are, returning from their first round.  We stayed for a couple more after that.  We were even able to watch a truck lose its tire on the track, axle and all.  Oh, what entertainment!!!  :)

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ilLaurastrations Photography began in Spring of 2009.