I've written before about the unique perspective one has, being the oldest child in the family. Of course, it's all I know, so I might as well enjoy it! It really is fun, because in so many ways, I was able to get all of my growing up finished (relatively speaking, of course), and get to really watch how my brothers and sisters have changed and grown along the way as well. Being the oldest of five has been very entertaining! I can honestly tell you there are few people (aside from my husband and children, of course) who I could possibly love and cherish more dearly. This is my "baby" sister. There are six years between us, and when we were young, we would be the first to tell you how VAST those six years seemed. I was married and having my first child, when she was graduating from highschool! We have always been in different life stages, but RIGHT NOW has been my favorite. My children are growing, and hers have just gotten here. :) I get to relive some of my "baby" days with my sweet niece and nephew, and I get to watch my sister be a mom!
Before she stayed home with her little ones, my sister was a hair stylist. She was probably the only person I know who DID hair, but kept her own healthy and long and untouched. She has rarely cut it, and has NEVER colored it (outside of a random highlight or two). Last week, she decided to take the plunge. And look how beautiful she is!
This photo was taken back in April, with her long locks. :)
And this one was taken this weekend, after she had it cut. My favorite part of this story, is that she only had the nerve to cut it after it was long enough to donate. The salon where she goes, donates the hair to breast cancer patients.
The Bible refers to a woman's hair as "her glory." I don't know anyone who defines that more than my sister.
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