Image by Laura Ketteman

Image by Laura Ketteman

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Wonder That Is Pinterest...

Have you caught it yet?  The Pinterest bug?  I don't really have words to tell you how awesome it is.  It's something you have to experience.  :)

It is truly a creative person's absolute dream and worst nightmare, all rolled up into one.  While it inspires lots of cool ideas, it can also be a source of time-sucking frustration!  From photography tips, to recipes, to craft ideas, to fashion advice... You name it, it's on there.

A few of my own Pinterest-inspired creations:

Their version:

My creation:

Their version:

My creation:

Their version:

My creation:

Their version:

My creations:

I've played with several versions of these tshirt scarves.  They're so fun!  This was the first one I made:

Then, I decided to make one for each of my sisters for Christmas:

Then, I saw this one:

And came up with this one (which is actually a combo of three ideas):

As you can see, the possibilities are endless!  I've only listed a FEW of my own fun things... But, if you're stuck and need some inspiration, hop on over to Pinterest.  I guarantee you'll find some ideas... and you might even get a little frustrated at how much time you've spent on it all, but I promise you'll have fun!  :)

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ilLaurastrations Photography began in Spring of 2009.