Image by Laura Ketteman

Image by Laura Ketteman

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

More Mother's Day Fun.

Little gifts from little hands.  They warm a mommy's heart, indeed!  This was a favorite of mine.... and it's not even mine!  :)  This was the Mother's Day necklace my nephew made at preschool, for my sister.  I've seen a LOT of crafty gift ideas in my years of mommyhood, and this has to be one of my favorites!  so sweet!  She wore it proudly all day long.  :)

After eating our weight in spaghetti, salad, and treats like THIS for dessert (another Aunt Holly creation)...
we all went outside to play off some calories.  :)

This is what my backyard looks like when my family comes over.  :)

This was some entertainment for the afternoon... my brother, tormenting my dog with his RC truck.

She just RAN, and RAN, and RAN!  :)

Then, we got a couple of the boys in on the chasing action. 

We always have so much fun.  :)

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ilLaurastrations Photography began in Spring of 2009.