I LOVE music. My husband loves it. My kids love it.
I grew up in a family with very diverse tastes in music. My mom loved to dig out her old motown tunes, John Denver, and Ann Murray. My tastes were usually a little more in tune with my dad's...One of my favorite memories of my dad and me were when we listened to music together. We didn't have ALL the same likes, but when we did, the overlap was fun. :) My brothers and I enjoy introducing one another to new things as well. We all have main genres we tend to stick to more often, so exposing one another to new groups and songs always proves to be interesting. I have one sister who once lived on 90s girl power music, like Sara McLaughlin and Jewel... and the other, who is all things current... and schools me often in my lack of trendy culture. :)
All of that to say, like in most things, I'm good to mix things up a LOT.
Lately, I've felt the desire for some soul-refreshing. I've gone back to some of my old, gospel roots, and found some treasures that I've been enjoying immensely.
You know what I think is awesome? In the midst of my boys' very different tastes, they all seem to be enjoying my revived trend as well.
Here's a little sample. :)
He's Watching Me
One of me and my moms fave songs by them. I think I'm gonna have to get out my GVB CDs :)