Image by Laura Ketteman

Image by Laura Ketteman

Monday, April 18, 2011

Healthy Children.

A virus has hit our home.  It's nothing serious... just long in endurance.  Sometimes it goes that way when you have several people living under one roof.  When one person brings home illness, it's likely that someone else will go down right afterwards.

So, for over a week now, I've been caring for my little ones (all three have gotten it in varying degrees).  Lots of temperatures have been taken, lots of children's ibuprofen has been given, lots and LOTS of snuggle time has been shared.

My youngest is having the hardest time kicking it.  We're on Day 8 of his fever, so we went to see the doctor.  (All of this has a point, I assure you.)

He checked out fine, but not until the doctor did a thorough examination, which included chest X-rays to rule out pneumonia.  End result, everything looks great!  We just need to wait it out a little bit longer.  He's really perfectly healthy, other than a little cough and congestion, and his temperature rising in the evenings.

My point in this post?

Just look at those perfect, wonderful, little bones... surrounding a perfect, healthy, beating heart.  God created that little body.  He allowed it to be formed within my own body.  How easily we take for granted what a miracle life is.

My little guy got sick like this back in 2007, and they did a chest Xray at that time, also (he was fine at that time, too, for the record).  He was much younger... much less likely to be so still.  I watched him today, thinking about how much he has grown.  He didn't need me to stand behind him and hold his arms up still.  He did it all on his own, so independently... like the "big boy" he has become.

I'm so thankful God has blessed my family with good health.  I have to remind myself of that fact when I start to get down about a silly, little fever bug we've endured for one, short week. 

How quickly I'll complain about such a minor trial.  Thank you, my heavenly Father, for the abundant gifts you bestow upon me.... so undeserved.

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My photo
ilLaurastrations Photography began in Spring of 2009.